Un nouveau visiteur s'est installé dans le jardin :: a new visitor has settled by our little pond
Réussir à prendre la "sauvage" sous son meilleur jour :: finally being able to capture the "wild one" on film
Traditionnel tour aux Nocturnes Médiévales de la Garde, un peu décevantes cette année :: our yearly visit to the Medieval fair in La Garde was a bit disappointing...
La cuisine est terminée, et c'est un vrai bonheur :: the kitchen is done, what a joy to finally be able to use it!

On continue de profiter des plaisirs de l'été, des mets "exotiques" venus tout droit des USA et le barbecue tourne à plein régime :: bbq season is into full swing, with marinade and spices coming right from the States, and chocolate too, thanks again, W!!!

Et on se remet doucement aux travaux manuels, en prévision des longues soirées d'hiver, brrr :: getting crafty again, keeping in mind those -too soon to come- long winter nights to fill!
encore un week-end qui a passé trop vite!!!
RépondreSupprimerthe kitchen looks really nice! I like the modern, clean lines! Can I cook in it one day?
RépondreSupprimerGlad that you are having fun with the BBQ!
Wow, D, the kitchen is AWESOME. I am sort of jealous;) I will surely want to cook you guys something Sat night.