dimanche 19 septembre 2010

J'ai les aiguilles qui m'démangent ...

(english text follows)

Entre les températures automnales et les bébés qui arrivent et qu'il faudra gâter, le temps est aux ouvrages!

Parce que ce joli tissu enduit dormait depuis trop longtemps dans la malle, et parce que c'est plus chouette -et plus écolo- qu'un sac en papier:

Un sac picnic pour amener la popotte au boulot avec le sourire!

La famille "monkey"aussi s'agrandit: 2 nouveaux venus sont partis rejoindre leur nouvelle famille d'accueil aux Etats-Unis. Mais si vous êtes intéressé, pas de panique, il y en a pleins d'autres à adopter!

Encore quelques degrés de moins et je ressort le tricot ;-)

* * * * * * * * * *
Between fall temperatures and with several babies to come and spoil with gifts, it's high time I got back to sewing!

Because this pretty waxed paper was gathering dust in a box, and because it is way cuter than a paper bag (not to mention greener too!):
A picnic bag to bring lunch to work with a smile!

The Monkey family is expending too, 2 little critters flew over to America to meet their new family!
But if you're interested too, don't worry, there are still plenty of them left to adopt ;-)

Just a few more degrees less till I get back to knitting, yippee ;-)

1 commentaire:

  1. Hello mére,

    We are still sitting on the bookshelf of the host dad who sponsored our emigration to the US. He's such a procrastinating lazy bum who still hasn't delivered us to the little babies waiting for their presents. In his defense, he said he's waiting for the perfect opportunity. We think that's just a lousy excuse! We are so hoping to meet our real families in the US soon so we don't have to sit on this lousy bookshelf and can be hugged and chewed on by our baby sisters. Hope you will be making more monkey brothers and sisters for us soon! Miss you!
