Thank you sooo much Patti! I really didn't expect this package! I was so surprised at the post office, I thought it was my order from e-bay, but then I saw it was from you and inside...
So many great things! I love the paper garland, very much my style! I had read "toujours Provence", so I can't wait to read the follow up! this felt fabric is so original, I have never seen such thing in France. The fabric is gorgeous and goes well with some I bought a few weeks ago, now I have to make something of Japanese inspiration! The notebook, gosh, have you made it yourself?
This looks so good!
Thank you again for being so generous, and look out for the mail man!
Patti m'a encore bien gâtée, je ne m'y attendais pas du tout, vous avez vu toutes ces belles choses!
Et regardez, Païka a trouvé une deuxième fonction à ma trousse à aiguilles!
Vraiment beaux ces carnets ...très fashions.....c'est du scrap non?
RépondreSupprimerhe he!!! I felt so bad about that first package taking SOOOO long!! I did not make the book, although I wish I could take credit for it! I am glad that the fabrics will go with ones you have....I bught some of the same for myself and have to decide what to do with them!!!
RépondreSupprimerC'est sympa ces petits échanges.:-)
RépondreSupprimersympa le carnet...
RépondreSupprimery'en a qu'ont de la chance!
RépondreSupprimerde très belles choses en effet, qui donnent envie d'apprendre de nouvelles techniques de travaux manuels